Find out here how you can participate in the IX Virtual FOSPA

Fospa Colombia
Fospa Colombia octubre 29, 2020
Updated 2023/02/21 at 11:23 AM

See here the program of the IX Fospa

Due to the world crisis caused by the Covid-19, the IX International Meeting of the Pan-Amazonian Social Forum, Mocoa – Colombia 2020 will be held virtually from November 12 to 15, recreating the actions that were intended for the meeting in Mocoa and maintaining its organizational character and political purposes.

Here we tell you how will be each of the moments of this important meeting in which you can participate from the comfort of your home! Registration is very easy and has no cost, just fill out the form you find here.

As planned for the face-to-face meeting, we will emphasize organizational articulation for

Generate programs and actions against extractive development
To strengthen the internal organization from the Territorial Committees and the Action Initiatives in Fospa (IdeAs).
To this end, we are betting on two great moments of interaction between the participants and the members of the Fospa and the Ideas, in which we will share different reflections and especially experience of work and concrete actions that are currently being developed in the Amazon. The idea of these spaces is to find coincidences and common interests and to debate and generate long term action strategies in defense of the Amazon territory.

The first moment is centred on the Malokas, as we have called the thematic blocks, these will be spaces for harmonising and sharing the word, in which in general and by working groups there will be discussions, through guiding questions, around three programmatic axes (one for each Maloka), which structure the Forum.

In the work of the Malokas, according to your interests, you will be able to participate as a person or organization, with your ideas, opinions, proposals and debates, in any of the groups established in each Maloka, in order to strengthen in the long term the actions and movements in the territories. In these different group works of each Maloka, you can propose the activation of new action initiatives, where more than 3 organizations and countries meet to advance a common struggle.



On November 12 in the afternoon, we will tackle the Maloka: Territories and Paths of Life, where resistance actions and alternatives to the extractive model that have been generated in the Amazon will meet to recognize and strengthen each other, in order to generate articulated strategies that can be developed in the territory and confront the false development and the model imposed by capital.

In this Maloka, we will have five working groups:

Energy transition, aimed at recognizing the most appropriate models for energy production in the forest, from local proposals for consumption and self-production, which are in harmony with the ways of life in the Amazon.

Food sovereignty, security and agro-ecology, aimed at protecting the forms of production and guaranteeing food in the Amazon territory, without the forest being destroyed by land appropriation policies.

Water justice, defense of basins, rivers, moors, community aqueducts, aimed at protecting water sources from the destruction generated by extractive and hydroelectric companies and defending the clean dynamics of water consumption.

Climate crisis and community management of the forest, aimed at mechanisms to protect the forest against actions that generate climate change, having the capacity of the Amazon to be a biotic entity with the ability to act in the harmonization and balance of the world’s climate.

Transformative economies, aimed at recognizing and strengthening the processes of own economy, which are in line with the dynamics of the forest and combat social inequalities and inequities.

On November 13 in the morning, we will work in the Maloka: Peoples and Cultures in Amazonian Identity where the representations of different inhabitants of the Amazon will meet, to make known their cultures and social developments, in order to protect and safeguard their visions and plans of life.

In this Maloka, we will have 5 working groups:

Amazonian identities, aimed at the recognition and programmatic articulation of the indigenous, peasant, black and urban populations, as well as women, men, gender diversity, youth, boys and girls, who inhabit the Amazon; with the harmonization of their ancestral knowledge and spiritualities.

Community and intercultural education, aimed at presenting the diverse forms in which education has been conceived and built, from the community level, the integration of cultures and the historical memory of life in the Amazon.

Amazonian Cities for Good Living, aimed at presenting the management and processes developed in Amazonian territory, which have emphasized building life from Suma Kausai or Suma Qamaña, which translates into the establishment of a society from good living.

Health in the Panamazonia, aimed at recognizing and valuing the historical ways of generating well-being, health and life in harmony, from the natural, ancestral and traditional medicines.

This same day in the afternoon, we will work on the Maloka: Autonomy and Community Government, the political and organizational dynamics generated in the Amazon territory, will meet to exchange experiences and ways of seeing and doing politics.

In this Maloka, we will have 4 working groups:

Rights of peoples and nature, aimed at assessing progress in local and global policy, for the recognition of the rights of both the inhabitants of the Amazon, as well as Mother Nature.

Construction of local power, aimed at generating the exchange of experiences of different territorial social organizations, in the face of autonomy, self-government and community organization.

Life plans and social and environmental planning of the territory, aimed at discussing the visions, programs and methodologies, which are carried out to structure and protect the life, environment and society of the Amazon.

Guarantees for participation and social leadership, aimed at generating strategies for the protection and defense of those who assume the responsibilities of leaders and protectors of the territory, as well as the communities and organizations that accompany them.

In the second great moment of the IX Virtual FOSPA, the center will be the Action Initiatives -Ideas- , in which different actions of organizational articulation of and by the Amazon, from their research works, political incidences, documents, mobilizations, actions in the territory, among other dynamics, will meet to present and strengthen with others, their programmatic bets, action objectives, work lines, organizational dynamics and general proposals.

Learn more about the Ideas here

It is important to point out that the initiatives are a process that emerged in the VIII version of FOSPA that was held in Tarapoto, Peru; At present, there are 10 active ideas in the Fospa process and they have been strengthened in 14 pre-forums that have been held on the way to the IX Meeting, and especially, in the last period thanks to the Fospa in movement campaign and its cycle of virtual talks that we developed from the month of August until November 4th , where each initiative was able to share the advances and projections in their bets, and invite more people to join these initiatives.

During the event on Saturday 14th, the ideas will be the protagonists having the possibility to share with those who register to each one of them to share analysis, reflections and action bets. Remember that in order to facilitate participation in the morning, five initiatives will be worked on simultaneously and the remaining five in the afternoon.

Articulation and Defense of Rivers

Climate Change and the Amazon

Pan-Amazon Conflict Mapping

Defense of the Body and Territory of Andean Amazonian Women,

Democratization of Communication

Food Security and Sovereignty

Business and Human Rights in the Amazon

Promotion of the use of ILO Convention 169 in the Amazon

Taxation and territory on the way to the protection and promotion of alternative economies

Black lives in the Panamazonia

Finally, these two moments will be articulated to activities of harmonization, cultural and plenary, where we will collectively address What happens in the Amazon? based on the conclusions of the exercise of mapping of Pan-Amazonian conflicts, the presentation of the context of the 9 countries of the basin and the reading of the verdict of the Ethical Tribunal of Justice and Rights of the Pan-Amazonian and Andean Women, as well as the plenary on «The Amazon we want» «Weaving the Amazon for good living» and the reading of the Letter of Mocoa.

Download PDF detail Malokas and Action Initiatives


For the Pan-Amazonian Social Forum it is important to generate options to facilitate a wide and dynamic participation of the Amazonian communities and/or those interested in the defense of life, especially in territories with difficulties of digital connectivity.

In that measure, in the general registration form for the IX Fospa International Meeting, the possibility of proposing points of collective participation is open, which refers to a physical meeting between several people who meet in the same place where it is possible to guarantee connectivity. This can be a school, a farmhouse, a university, a community action centre, or any other place that has the necessary conditions to guarantee not only access to the internet, but also measures of biosecurity and wellbeing of the participants.

It also contemplates the work articulated with community radio stations that can transmit the signal of the meeting and collect interventions, comments and proposals. It is necessary to confirm with your nearest radio station the possibility of connecting it to the official transmissions that will be broadcast on social networks, the frequency of the Latin American Association of Radio Education (ALER) and the Zoom platform.

Subsequently, and seeking to have a space to share the various community experiences through self-managed activities and / or artistic-cultural related to the thematic bets and action initiatives in Fospa, on 27 and 28 November, we will make the Virtual Fair of Community Experiences, which are welcome proposals in various formats that can be advanced virtually. Please note that the development, convening and logistics of the self-managed activities are the responsibility of the organization and/or people who propose them. The Fospa team will set up the Zoom room to carry out the activity, will support the dissemination of the call and will transmit all the activities of the fair in its official communication system. The self-managed activities will not have simultaneous translation.

If you are interested in proposing a self-managed activity, you can register it in the general registration form for the IX FOSPA, in the section COMMUNITY EXPERIENCE FAIR. It is very easy, you just have to fill in the form with your personal data until you reach this section. All proposals will be reviewed by the Fospa’s organizing team and we will write to you to confirm the details of your activity during the fair.

We hope this information will be helpful!

If you have problems with the registration form write to us at and we will help you to successfully complete your registration!



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